Services Offered

How can we help you?

Individual Life Coaching

The goal is not to run away from what’s not working, but rather run towards the person you were meant to be and the life you were meant to have! In our one-on-one sessions, we will work to discover your path to flourishing! We will identify and remove limiting beliefs, work on changing mindsets, improve your grit and resilience and find clarity on what is your passion and true purpose. Remember, everyone has a gift. Let’s shine a light on yours!

Leadership Coaching

Whether you are a current leader or an aspiring leader, the first step towards greatness is having a deep understanding of oneself and your purpose. Using evidence-based coaching strategies you will be guided through leadership mastery and transformation. Why? Because when you have mastered yourself, the amazing thing is that you will earn the trust of your team and they will be inspired to grow, be innovative and ultimately be happier and more effective together.

Wellness Coaching

Did you remember to breathe today? I know, our bodies do that automatically. But it is when we pay attention to our breath, become more mindful (including mindful eating), that we truly begin the journey to wellness. As your Certified Nutrition Coach, I will work with you to discover the right strategies that motivate you to commit to healthy and sustainable eating habits. When you focus on improving your mind and body, you will find the energy to achieve any goal you set your mind on.

Everyone deserves a “Donna” in their lives!

Rated 5.0 out of 5
March 1, 2021

Summer of 2020 was a real struggle for me. Navigating through the pandemic, not having guaranteed access to childcare for my two young children, with a spouse working in an industry that faced many uncertainties, all these unknowns were not making things easy for me as I returned to work (virtually) after my year-long parental leave. Shortly after being back at work, I was told that my service with the company would end in a few weeks as a result of a massive company restructuring.

“Why me?!” I was obsessing over a ton of negative self-talks, largely because I considered myself as a very committed worker who has given my heart and soul to my career, and my track record proved just that. “Why me?!”

“Is it because I chose to grow my family by putting my career on hold?”

“Is it because my colleagues don’t like me?”

“Is it because I am a visible minority?”

“Is it because I am incompetent?”

“What am I doing wrong?”

“Am I not worthy?”

Thank goodness I connected with Donna during this period of negativity! Donna was lending an ear to my problems and recognized that I could potentially benefit from life coaching. At that point, I have heard of life coaching but wasn’t sure what it was exactly about. I kept an open mind and went ahead with my first life coaching meeting with Donna over Zoom. Little did I know, Donna quickly became one of the most important people in my life!

I am not someone who can just talk about my life with anybody, but Donna has this gifted ability to make me feel comfortable to be uncomfortable. It has been six months since I started receiving life coaching support from Donna. Today, I’m proud to say that I’m much more equipped to combat those limiting beliefs that stick around in my head. I still have work to do to get to where I want, and I am so grateful to have Donna by my side on this journey to getting to a better version of “me”.

I honestly believe ANYONE can benefit from life coaching. If you are someone who can keep an open mind and are not afraid to dig deep into who you really are and what you truly want in life, then I think you are ready to find your “Donna”!

“A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of us to show us how they did it. A mentor walks alongside us to show us what we can do.” – Simon Sinek.

Ivy C.

The breakthrough I needed...

Rated 5.0 out of 5
February 26, 2021

I met Donna at a time I was feeling the pressures of life and realised that I had to make a change.

We have been working together for two months (and looking forward to work many more!) and I can say she is just the breakthrough I needed, as I can already feel the benefits in my day-to-day life by bringing me back In touch with my inner self and helping me connect much better with the reality around me.

I believe this quick success is because she is very skilled at what she does, but also she has a friendly, warm and caring personality and she does not come across as forceful: she helps find different strategies to face different situations, breaking things down into actionable items I felt that I can manage…and the progress is evident and as a bonus I lost 2kgs thanks to her nutrition coaching tactics!

I enjoy immensely our weekly sessions on MS teams and always look forward to them as they are exhilarating! She displays a genuine interest in my wellbeing and puts a lot of effort into explaining concepts. As I said before, she is warm, caring and willing to give herself for the benefit of others.

Grateful for her guidance and the positive difference she is able to make in my life in a really short time.

Thank you Donna for your support and very much looking forward to continuing this journey together!

Diana H

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