Life can throw you some doozies! Every now and then, it will knock you off your feet and scare the crap out of you.

When that happens, I like to go to the classics for inspiration. You know them, Dr Seuss and the lovable Winnie the Pooh. These guys are brilliant in stripping life down to what it’s all about. Today, I want to share wisdom from Pooh Bear, for anyone struggling. A reminder for one person in particular. They know who they are.

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” – Winnie the Pooh

It’s easy to forget the moments we’ve proven how strong we are once we’ve set our minds to achieving a goal. The times we’ve kicked a problem in the A$$! We get pre-occupied with everyday life. We get scared. We feel weak.

You are human, this is normal. But the victories in your life are not that long ago and they live inside your mind. Close your eyes, you will see and hear them, they are cheering you onward.

Now look in the mirror. See that spark in your eye? That’s courage waiting for your call.

And when the moments come that you don’t feel strong, brave, or courageous, it’s ok, “we’ve got your back”!

You are not alone.

When you need help, you won’t need to look far.