About Donna Oberg

My Story

Hi!  I’m Donna Oberg!  Coach, author, and respected finance leader. I’m not bragging but I’ve perfected the art of falling.  I was born with cerebral palsy and falling often is just a part of my life. Not all the time, but a lot!

Imagine falling more than 8,000,001 times in your life. I can!  I did!  I’ve had my share of flops, failures, and unexpected detours.  Both personally and professionally.  But they didn’t stop me from becoming a successful and respected leader with one of the world’s largest companies, travelling internationally, or living a fiercely independent life. In fact, I owe a lot of my success to my disability and those “falls”.  Every challenge became a reason to unleash my creativity, every fall helped deepen my grit and resilience, and every helper in my life taught me the importance of connection and empathy.  

In 2020, I took a leap of faith and left a rewarding corporate career to fulfill my true passion and purpose.   That purpose is to help “you become the person you were meant to be, in the life and career you were meant to have”.

On a more personal note, I am a huge dog lover, who insists on saying hi to every dog I meet.  And for the record, my favorite place to fall is at the Dog Park! Want to find out why or want to start flourishing in your life and workplace today?  The time is now!  Book a discovery call and let’s get started!

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